Kundalini yoga workshop with Sadhana Singh / Ljubljana-Slovenia
13 - 14 January 2024 / 10.00 - 17.30
(lunch break 13.00-14.30)
In presence at PS Intakt Ljubljana & ONLINE
The essence and purpose of yoga are to inhibit the functions of the mind, enabling the being to dwell in its essence and navigate reality in space and time with efficiency and coherence. Inhibiting the functioning of the mind and thoughts of the intellect is a way to resolve them at their source, which is the mind itself. This will stop extroversion through the process of introversion. This is where we begin to discover who we really are, and this is where life properly starts. The condition that can make this happen is the space of silence, the state of Shunia.
From the space of yoga, the non-dual space that yoga induces, the being conforms itself to mental functions; there is nothing in between. Shunia is the ultimate way to experience the non-dual space that yoga offers.
odpremo vrata odkrivanju lastnega bistva, začenjamo živeti polno življenje. Ključno pri tem je ustvariti prostor tišine, imenovan Shunia, ki omogoča to notranjo pot.
Prostor joge nas vodi onkraj dualnosti, kjer se naša bit umesti brez nepotrebnih ovir. V tem prostoru nič ne ločuje. Shunia predstavlja najvišjo obliko dojemanja tega prostora onkraj dualnosti, ki ga jogijska praksa ponuja, da živimo resnično sebe
Sadhana Singh has, in the last 30 years, worked in Europe, the USA, South America, and Asia, sharing his life’s learning and teaching experience on how to put the teachings of yoga into practice. As a KRI Lead trainer, he dedicated years of his life to teaching and training new teachers and future trainers. His in-depth study and research in the field of Kundalini Yoga inspire his writing of books and shaping online training packages to create material accessible to all. Sadhana Singh founded Anter Vidya, an institution that promotes the science (vidya) of essence (antar). Anter Vidya serves as an umbrella for various programs and trainings led by Sadhana Singh.
Ustanovil je Anter Vidya, institucijo, ki promovira znanost (vidya) bistva (antar) in služi kot krovna organizacija za različne programe in izobraževanja, ki jih vodi Sadhana Singh.
Skozi svoje delo in predanost jogijskim načelom želi ustvariti most med starodavno modrostjo in sodobnim življenjem, ki vsakomur omogoča pot k notranjemu razsvetljenju.
Sat Nam
Nataša Siri Amrit and Dunia
Plesni Studio Intakt
Poljanska c. 59
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Registration and info:
intaktlj@gmail.com – 00386 41 203 527
(Nataša Siri Amrit)
Reduced price before 15. december 2023 :
280 € / 255 € for Kundalini Yoga teachers
415 € for couples
Payment after 15.december 2023:
330 € / 295 € – for Kundalini Yoga teachers
512 € for couples
220 € one day
180 € one day for Kundalini Yoga teachers
All prices include VAT.
PS Intakt, Tugomerjeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana,
VAT.nr.: SI23586001
with note: Shunia 24
Bank address:
Nova KBM d.d, Ulica Vita Kraigherja 4, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
IBAN: SI56 0400 1004 7454 717
Please send the payment confirmation by email:
If you need an original invoice, contact us first and send the information.